Eco-fashion heads to H&M with the new clothing-recycling program which allows customers to take an eco-friendly role.
H&M named Global Green U.S.A the American affiliate of Green Cross international. On February 21st 2013 it was announced that all H&M stores in the US, as well as all 48 H&M markets worldwide, will allow customers to exchange used clothing. This is part of the global clothing-recycling program. Customers can help the environment by avoiding textile waste and save natural resources. Any piece of clothing in any condition is accepted, people will also receive a voucher for each bag of clothing donated.
This is one way people can help the environment and become part of a "green lifestyle." However, there are plenty of other forms.
H&M eco-fashion campaign | |
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Photo: FashionMagazine
Definition for sustainable fashion?
Reduce, reuse, and recycle! That pretty much defines what sustainable fashion
is all about, the concept of considering social and environmental impacts that
take in effect of what we wear every day.
Recycling an old skirt, that’s out of style, and making it into something new
and trendy is one example of sustainable fashion.The idea of recycling, being creative and doing
good for the environment are things that people need to start doing. Who says
you have to look frumpy and old- looking with eco-clothing?
So how could you become an
eco-friendly fashionista? Then look no further because there are 6 different
ways to do it.
6 Simple Ways to Support Sustainable Fashion
1. Thrifting
Instead of going to the mall to buy a new dress,
stop by your local thrift or vintage shops.
Thrifting has become a mainstream
thing these days, gone are the days where you would feel embarrassed wearing second-hand
clothing, now you could end up finding the most fabulous one-of-a-kind piece. Not
only is it a great money-saver (bonus for broke college students) but its
helping the environment in the process. After all, one mans’ trash is another
ones treasure. Some great thrift stores in Vancouver are
Value Village (Victoria and 49th location is great),
Salvation Army thrift stores (West 41st Avenue and 8384 South Granville) and St. Vincent de Paul Value Shoppe (2743 Main Street, Vancouver).
2. Natural fibers
natural fibers is good for your body because sometimes synthetic fibers can be itchy and can irritate your skin (if you have sensitive skin) and it can cause you to over-heat as well. Cotton, bamboo, flax and hemp are among the many great natural fibers available to use, not only do they look great but also they are better for the environment.
Bamboo fibers | | | | | | |
3. Shop at eco-stores
Shopping at eco-friendly stores is a great way to support local businesses in your city as well as helping the environment. Shopping at
Eugene Choo, located on 3683 Main Street Vancouver, carry eco-friendly fabrics such as bamboo, soy, hemp, silk, and cotton to make their formal and casual clothing. If you are looking for yoga clothing and gear, you can shop at
Halfmoon Yoga. They are located at 1650 Johnson St, Vancouver, selling organic yoga mats, tee-shirts and leggings.
4. Shopping at Ebay and Craigslist
Shopping online is a great alternative in getting eco-clothing. Websites such as eBay and Craigslist provide listings from people that turn everybody into buyers and sellers.
5. Reconstructing your own wardrobe
Thinking about how you could make clothing new again doesn't necessarily mean having to buy new clothing. Instead of buying new stuff try sprucing up outfits by incorporating different accessories, mixing pieces together. Learning do-it-yourself projects helps you become creative with outfits to make them new and current. A great website to check out for eco-friendly DIY projects is
Cara Panico. Going through your clothes and creating different looks will not only help the environment by consuming less but you'll also save some money too!
Sheena Matheiken | | |
6. Spread the knowledge!
Researching eco-brands such as,
O by Kimberly Orvitz and
Edun (just to name a few) are all eco-friendly brands that sell fashionable clothing. As well, there are many eco-fashion blogs such as,
ecofashiontalk , and
ecco*eco that are good reads to follow and learn more.
Sustainable fashion is the idea to help our planet, to help create a better world for future generations. Making small changes as simple as what you wear can make all the difference to the world. It doesn't take much to make a difference.
Live, Laugh, Love and Shop ;)